Saturday, January 30, 2016

Post 5

I read Jay-Perk blog on his book. He read  Acquainted with the Night. He learned how to use and write with correct grammar and symbols. Also, how some symbols relate to meanings and understanding the meaning of stories. Certain symbols and grammar can create different feelings and meanings through out the story. The speaker was lonely throughout the passage. 

Post 4: What I learned from my story

I learned from the story i picked was a lot. It went deep into the thoughts and mindset of others, and thats what i connected with the most. In order for me to like a story enough to respond to it i have to connect with it and understand the feelings the author is trying to make you connect with.  My story also showed me some new grammar and correct ways to right text throughout the passage. It showed me things i need to focus on when writing and the correct way to do things.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Post 2: My Story Choice

The book that connects to me the most is the book called " The Skin I'm In". This was a book we had to read in middle school and do a project on and every since then its been my favorite book. It relates to me on so many levels thats why its my favorite. It talks about the struggles of a little girl and her problems growing up, and how she overcame them. Alot of her problems i can personally say i relate to. I learned that all problems can be fixed and you dont always have to have people behind you to do better. Sometimes its best to move alone so you dont have dead weight.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Post 2: Favorite Movie

My favorite movie has to be " The Evil Dead". This is a movie abut three girls going camping and one getting infected and wanting to kill everyone. Some die but some don't.  Her infection and wanting to ill them became so strong they had to lock her up downstairs in like the basement area. Even trough extra wood and many chains she still was able to break some to the point she had a little hole and could see them and they could as well see her. Most people look at me crazy when i tell them that this is my favorite movie because its scary. But, if you know me everyone knows I'm crazy for a good scary movie. I've been a fan of scary movies since about the 6th grade and my passion for them only grows.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 1: Introduction

Hello, I'm Taylor Wilkins. I'm from Atlanta, GA and attended Rockdale County High School ( best school in my county) . My major is General Studies. I was in marching band and did shot put in track and field. My favorite color is red because if its not red it's dead. My favorite food is pasta salad but only my grandmother's kind. I love texting, shopping , money, and bundles. I have a black car and her name is Black Cali she's a 2013. I enjoy being alone and cleaning. My favorite subject always have been and will continue to be Science. I dislike being told "NO" and people who hold off things. I'm a very nice person and I enjoy giving and helping others.